


District Resources


Device Pickup

First page of the PDF file: DevicePickupFlyer1

Brownsville ISD students, staff, and parents are asked to complete an annual Campus Needs Assessment (CNA) survey.  This data provides information for the District/Campus Improvement Plans. Please ensure that your staff (certified and classified), parents, and students (students in 2nd through 5th) complete the online survey prior to May 7, 2021. The surveys are estimated to take 4 – 7 minutes to complete.  


Please contact the Palm Grove Office for passwords (956) 982-3850

Student Survey:

Parent Survey:


Parents please complete the Parent and Family Engagement Survey by clicking on the link below.  Please call Ms. Ruth Rodriguez at (956) 698-3850 if you have any questions.  

Title I-A Parent and Family Engagement Survey 2020-2021 (Elementary)

Password: ParentFamily