


District Resources

21st Century Program

Palm Grove Elementary's ACE Program Mission Statement:

We are dedicated and responsible, “to surround students with a community of support empowering them to stay in school and achieve in life."


Texas ACE (After school Centers on Education) provides no-cost activities before and after school and during summer for Pre-K through 5th grade students in Title I schools. The program is federally funded through 21st Century Community Learning Centers (CCLC) and administered on the state level by TEA.

When the last bell rings, Texas ACE is just getting started with interactive, hands-on learning disguised as fun and aligned to the school curriculum. Local programs also provide homework help, tutoring, and other targeted needs-based assistance, as well as enrichment activities such as sports, clubs, and youth development projects that build character, confidence, and leadership skills.



Palm Grove's Summer Ace Students were taken out into the community for fun and exploration.  The ACE Program strives to provide various educational experiences to their students.

A Special Thank You to Javier Garcia (Ace Program Director) and Maricela De Alba (ACE Site Coordinator) for providing these magical experiences to the Palm Grove ACE Students this summer.

(see photos below)


SPI Birding Center and Sea Turtle Inc.

Bob's World and Port Isabel Lighthouse

Children's Museum and Public Library

Police and Fire Department

Resaca De Las Palmas

UTRGV Coastal Studies Lab

Gladys Porter Zoo

Charro Days 2022: Palm Grove Elementary Ace Program Students

Ace-Charro Days 2022

Open House ACE

ACE After School Activities 2021-2022